Free Tutoring!
Our school district has partnered with Varsity Tutors, an online learning platform with tutoring resources, to provide our students in grades 6 through 12 with powerful supplemental learning tools. Whether studying core subjects, learning new topics, or trying to improve grades, Varsity Tutors provides the extra support our students need, when they need it.
Buy the Book!
Order your yearbook today! #14659.
School Related Employee of the Year
Congratulations Ian Carpenter, the School Related Employee of the Year for 2024-2025!
School Tours
SCHOOL TOURS – School tours are available the first Wednesday of the month at 2:15 (by appointment) during the school year, and by appointment only during the summer.
Please email the Landrum PTO to request a tour.
Texas Instruments TI-30Xa Scientific Calculators will be part of the statewide assessments for all 7th and 8th grade math courses. This is an example of the calculator that will be allowed on the state tests. Other calculators will not be permitted. Cost is about $10. Students are expected to have their own TI-30Xa calculator in class daily.
FAST Testing Dates
State Testing Dates for WRITES
- 6th Grade: March 31st
- 7th Grade: April 1st
- 8th Grade: April 3rd
PM3 FAST Schedule
- ELA Testing:
- 6th Grade: May 2nd
- 7th Grade: May 5th
- 8th Grade: May 8th
- Make-Ups: May 7th and May 14th
- MATH Testing:
- 6th Grade: May 9th
- 7th Grade: May 12th
- 8th Grade: May 13th
- Make-Ups: May 14th
- Science (8th Grade Only):
- May 1st
- Make-Ups: May 7th
End-of-Course (EOC) Assessments
- Algebra EOC:
- May 13th
- Make-Ups: May 14th
- Geometry EOC:
- May 13th
- Make-Ups: May 14th
- Civics EOC:
- May 15th
- Make-Ups: May 16th