Speech and Debate
Every Monday from 2-3:30 p.m.National Speech and Debate team will compete and earn points for college credit. If you would like to join Drama club as well rotating alternate Mondays will be allowed. Don't hate it, just Debate it! Contact Team Coach and Teacher: Ms. Sandra Pagliughi for more information at [email protected]

Thespians Club
Drama club students create performances and designs for a theatre festival. Students can sing, dance, act, write, or all. Meets Mondays after school. If you would like to join Speech & Debate club as well rotating alternate Mondays will be allowed. Ms. Williams and Ms. Gayso, Sponsors.

National Junior Honor Society (NJHS)
Tuesday of each month with the exception of January & March) Time: 2:00-2:45
Where: auditorium and MPR if possible. Ms. Gagnon, Sponsor.

Literary Guild
Students will layout, design, curate, edit, market, and create pieces to go into Landrum's Literary magazine. First meeting of interest is Thursday, August 24th, immediately after school in Room 415. Space is limited. See Ms. Mosely for more information.

Math Counts
Math Counts meets every Friday. Competitive Math club. Ms. Ousley, Sponsor.

Best Buddies
An international organization where kids with disabilities and kids without disabilities spend time together in friendship.

The Culture Club
The club will meet every other Thursday from 2:00 - 2:45 p.m.. Students will gain exposure to the fundamentals of language and culture. I will also teach the students the artistry of authentic Spanish cuisine. Ms. Rocha, sponsor.

Fellowship of Christian Athletics
Welcome to the LMS chapter of FCA. The FCA mission is to lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church. Come join with us the second Wednesday of each month.

Cross Country - Fall
Track and Field - Spring
Coach Kyle Speed. Communication contact Ms. Ross. Weekly practices Tuesday and Thursday from 2-3 p.m.

Boys and Girls Basketball tryouts are in December. Boys Coach: Coach Phil Tensley Girls Coach: Coach Gagnon

LMS Volleyball
Girls tryouts begin September 3rd after school until 3:30 PM.
Boys tryouts begin September 4th after school until 2:30 PM.
You must have a signed Landrum Parent Permission form turned in before tryouts. Forms are available in the front office or see Coach Pastori.
Boys and Girls Coaches: Coach Soudrette and Coach Jiles

Monday after school in Mr. Speeds room, then hour at home competitions. See Mr. Speed or Mr. Lambert for more information.

Robotics with Mr. Neal
Robotics is the interdisciplinary study and practice of the design, construction, operation, and use of robots. Every other Tuesday after school till 2:30.

A branch of Zoology that focuses on birds. Meets Thursdays in Ms. Stanton's room till 2:50.
Athletic Eligibility
- A student who reaches the age of 15 prior to July 1st shall become ineligible to participate in extracurricular sports at the middle school level.
- A student is limited to six consecutive semesters of eligibility beginning with semester he/she begins sixth grade for the first time. (This rule does not imply that the student has six semesters of participation.)
After six consecutive semesters, the student is permanently ineligible to participate in extracurricular sports at the middle school level.