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Students use Clever to access Schoology, Office 365, and other links for students. For online textbooks, students in grades 6-8 use Schoology.

Alice B. Landrum Middle School - ONE DEN!

FAST Testing VOlunteers

Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. You must be available

for the entirety of the time window you are volunteering for. Per State Testing guidelines proctors may not enter a room with a student who is related to them - for that reason it is recommended that volunteers select dates for grade levels they do not have children related to them currently enrolled. Thank you!

Schoology Information

Schoology App Directions


Landrum has recently begun a pilot program with the Schoology learning management system. Schoology is a secure online program that serves as a central hub for learning. Teachers can create, manage and share information and resources with their students. Students using Schoology can get class assignments, link to readings and guides selected by their teacher, collaborate with classmates, take tests and quizzes, and work on self-paced learning activities. Here at Landrum, all teachers will be posting Daily Board Agendas (DBAs) to ensure all students and parents know what is being taught in the classroom. Parents and students are given login information.

  Link to Newsletter

President: Annelee Chetty 
[email protected]
Vice President and Teacher Mini Grants: Heidi McLeod
Recording Secretary and Staff Appreciation Card Project: Jeannine Feyen
Treasurers: Kara Lenz & Heather Mandeville
Communications: Jennifer Werba
Community Partners: Regan Cartwright & Tina Brletich
Hospitality: Tulin Ostfeld &
Genevieve Miranda
Membership & New Family Coordinators: Sarah Schulz & Stacy Rendzio 
Secret Pal: Sarah Ritchie
Spirit Wear: Abby Wilcox & Jessica Sellers
Cub In Need: Genevieve Miranda &
Sarah Ritchie
8th Grade Committee: Erin Wolf 
Book Fair: Lynne Dostaler & Jessica Sellers

Webmaster: Judy Manley

Cell Phones

Students using their cell phone devices/earbuds during the school day has become an issue. Board policy require that all electronic devices be turned off, stored in student’s backpack, purse, or locker. The device shall not be used during the school day without administrative approval (classroom teacher) or on school buses to and from school. Electronic devices must remain stored during classroom transitional periods. Failure to comply may result in the device being confiscated. Repeated failure to comply will be considered defiance of school rules.


Any student who has been absent from school shall provide a note from a parent or guardian within forty-eight (48) hours of returning to school stating the cause of the absence. If the student missed school due to an appointment, a note from the provider must be turned in within forty-eight (48) hours of returning to school. Failure to provide a note will result in an automatic unexcused absence. Notes can be turned in at the Front Office or emailed to [email protected]

However, the fact that the student provides a note does not require the school administration to excuse the absence. The principal or designee will decide whether the absence meets the criteria for an excused absence, and that decision will be final. 

After fifteen (15) days of absence, whether excused or unexcused, a student must present verification from a licensed doctor for all subsequent absences due to illness.

2024-25 Bell Schedules

24-25 Bell Schedule M-F
24-25 Bell schedule Wednesday

School Hours

Start Time: 7:30
Dismissal: 1:50
Wednesday Dismissal: 12:50 News

Daily Announcements from LMS

Monday: Drama, Speech & Debate
Monday, Tues., & Thus: ESports
Tuesday & Thursday: Cross Country
Tuesday: Every other Tues. Robotics
Wednesday: FCA Second Wed. of Month
Thursdays: The Culture Club, Ornithology
Friday: Math Counts

SJCSD Families

We are excited to provide a free year-round online resource for your middle or high school student. Your child will see a link in Clever for Varsity Tutors where they can take advantage of powerful learning resources at no cost. Please click on the link below for more information.

• Varsity Tutors for Schools Launchpad (for students and parents)

H.A.C. Home Access Center (eSchool Plus+)

Home Access Center (eSchool Plus+) allows parents to view their child’s educational information via a secure, password protected website. Eschool contains vital class information to help students including dates and details of upcoming assignments, projects and test dates. Eschool allows teachers to post files like worksheets, PowerPoints or text files containing important class information. Students will find the information just as important as parents.

HAC information contact
Ms. Moloney
Detailed Information about eSchool
HAC Portal

Digital Flyers

School Flyers powered by peachjar

School Access

In an effort to provide safety and security to our students and staff, we check identification for all vendors, visitors, volunteers and parents each time you enter the building. Volunteers must have clearance to enter the building. If you have not already been cleared, please submit a School Access Form. Please input full legal name (first, middle and last) on the application. If you already have clearance, please do not submit an application. Expired accounts will be rerun automatically.

School District News

"Building a Safer & More Inclusive Future" Virtual Discussion on April 2

Please join us on April 2, 2025, from 6pm to 7:30pm for a virtual discussion titled "Building a Safer & More Inclusive Future: SafeTrak Program, CARD Safety Kits for Families, & Diamond of Dreams Initiative." This informative session is designed for parents of students with disabilities. Learn about key programs and resources aimed at enhancing safety and inclusion for your child.

Learn more about this event

Building a Safer & More Inclusive Future Flyer

FortifyFL App

FortifyFL is a website and app developed at the direction of the Florida Legislature. Any student, educator, parent, or member of the public can report school safety concerns directly to law enforcement and school administrators anonymously and easily through the FortifyFL app or

Florida school districts are now required by the FLDOE to make a FortifyFL Training Presentation available to parents and guardians.

Mission Statement

The St. Johns County School District will inspire good character and a passion for lifelong learning in all students, creating educated and caring contributors to the world.